您现在的位置: 全球阀门网 >> 烟台乐森机械设备有限公司
联系人: 王经理(女士)
电  话: 0535-7877701
传  真: 0535-7877701
手  机: 13153547072
网  址: http://www.ytlesen.com
烟台乐森机械设备有限公司座落于中国滨海城市烟台,地处山东半岛东北部,东连威海,西接潍坊、青岛,南邻黄海,北濒渤海,与辽东半岛对峙,与大连隔海相望 。公司始建于新世纪初期,公司名下的风机制造分公司、公路机械设备厂、潜水泵厂、风动工具厂、凿岩设备分公司、喷浆支护设备分公司、起重工具分公司等相继投产,同时兼并了周边多家矿用设备生产厂家,成为一家专业生产除尘通风设备、公路机械设备、排水设备、凿岩设备、喷浆支护设备、防爆电器、运输设备、绞车及各种提升设备、轨道交通器材的专业化机械设备公司。
  公司生产的设备广泛用于公路、电力、化工、采暖、矿山、建材、冶金、隧道、环保等领域,先后在各大矿务局、铁路部门、公路桥梁建设部门使用,产品质量取得了一致好评,产品销往全国各地。于此同时公司的技术团队正在研发各类矿用产品,坚持“ 质量为本;科技创新;顾客满意;持续改进”的理念,坚持“以客户为中心”的服务宗旨,产品不断优化、推陈出新!我们本着山东人的豪爽、真诚、负责的态度,愿与您长期合作,共谋发展!欢迎广大客户惠顾!
Yantai Lesen Machinery and Equipment Co., Ltd. is located in Yantai, a coastal city in China. It is located in the northeast of Shandong Peninsula. It connects Weihai to the east, Weifang to the west, Qingdao to the south, Yellow Sea to the north and Bohai Sea to the north. It faces Liaodong Peninsula and faces Dalian across the sea. Founded in the early years of the new century, the company's fan manufacturing branch, highway machinery and equipment factory, submersible pump factory, pneumatic tools factory, rock drilling equipment branch, shotcrete support equipment branch, lifting tools branch, etc. have been put into production, while annexing a number of mining equipment manufacturers around, becoming a professional student Specialized machinery and equipment company producing dust removal and ventilation equipment, highway machinery and equipment, drainage equipment, rock drilling equipment, shotcrete support equipment, explosion-proof electrical appliances, transport equipment, winch and various lifting equipment, rail transit equipment.
The equipment manufactured by the company is widely used in highway, electric power, …


联系人:王经理   联系电话:0535-7877701   传真:0535-7877701  

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